Picasa Album Free Downloader – Free Download

Download complete Picasa photo albums
This program can no longer be downloaded. Take a look at Google Photos instead.
Picasa Album Downloader, as you can infer from its name, is a simple tool with which you can download complete albums from the Picasa Web Albums photo sharing service.
All you need to do is run the program, enter the Picasa user name and album title that you want to get the pictures from and hit the Download button. Voilà! All the images in that album will automatically be downloaded to the specified folder, with a nice, colorful animation effect.
Picasa Album Downloader doesn’t feature any advanced functionality such as being able to filter images by size, or having a built-in search tool to find albums from within the program. However, it’s a small handy app that works perfectly well, and can be very useful to find images for wallpapers, photo compositions and more.
Picasa Album Downloader is a simple, easy-to-use tool that can download complete albums from Picasa in just a few seconds.
Picasa Album Downloader – Free Download Online
App specs
Windows Vista
Picasa Album Downloader is also compatible with:
- Windows 8
- Windows XP
- Windows 7