

The Download Now link will prompt a local download of the Firefox extension. To install the extension directly, open the file using your Firefox browser.

Editors’ Review

shelbybrown Nov 7, 2008 If a picture is worth a thousand words, a thumbnail image of every search result is at least worth the 50 or so in a search result summary. When you search Google, Yahoo, or Bing, SearchPreview (formerly GooglePreview) displays a thumbnail preview of your Web site results next to their descriptions, so you can confirm or rule out the site at a glance.

The SearchPreview add-on includes a few customization options, like limiting the maximum number of returned images one a page, and including popularity rankings. In our tests, SearchPreview is accurate and didn’t hinder performance. It does sprinkle sponsored links into the search results from time to time, a behavior you can nullify in the settings. A feature that magnifies the thumbnail size from the search results page would be a welcome improvement in future releases. SearchPreview isn’t essential for searching, but it certainly comes in handy.

Full Specifications

What’s new in version 6.4

Version 6.4 added support for DuckDuckGo.


Release July 31, 2013 Date Added July 31, 2013 Version 6.4

Operating Systems

Operating Systems Windows 2003, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows, Windows 7, Windows XP Additional Requirements Firefox 2.0 and later


Total Downloads 70,080 Downloads Last Week 0 Report Software

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